Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 198

Only a couple of clients at Makeda on account of the rain, but then there was Petey, who totally made my day!!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 197

Roman explained in great detail exactly what he wanted. And then he drew it out for me. :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 196

I had a really sweet party this afternoon of about 7 girls. They'd made recipes from the Redwall cookbook.

Then I came home and steadily felt worse and worse, finally going to bed at 7pm. I feel like I've got 3 brain cells and they knock into each other on occasion. Like now, reminding me about my blog...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 195

This woman had a living social deal.  She came in, knew exactly what she wanted, and proceeded to completely charm my socks off.  She's a retired electrical engineer from Iowa, living in Sequim.  She's traveled all over the world, loves the middle east, has had henna a bunch of times, and was very impressed with my work.  I had a wonderful session, and then on top of it she tipped me $20!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 193

Laundry!  Lots and lots of laundry, bank run, catching up on the e-mails from the weekend, a bit of house cleaning, and more laundry.  Finally.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 192

Shoreline arts fest day 2.  Much better then day one!

Day 191

Well. Considering about four of the eight hours of today's festival were spent braving sideways rain and wind squalls, it was a pretty decent day!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 190

The stain from last night's henna.  I left it on for 2.5 hours and scraped it off before going to sleep.  This is the stain at 8:30 am.

And here's what I've set up of my booth this afternoon...ALL by MYSELF!  And I feel great!  That's a big deal!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 188

Tonight I went to a writing circle.  The theme was "Color" so I wore my long tye dye and created a rainbow crown of flowers on my head.  Here are some excerpts of my writing:

"Just Before Sunset"

Afternoon sunlight is liquid, like honey dribbling off of toast.  Every thing, living or not, becomes alive with the thickness, the tangible vibration, the pervasive hue.

I painted a wall this color, facing the east, facing my bedroom.  When the soft light of morning would touch the color, my bedroom (painted scrub blue) would be awash with "just-before-sunset", and it would trick me every time.

Now I catch it sneaking in, hypnotizing me for the few minutes, a flash, a spray of encapsulating gold. Harbored often between the blue steel grey of the clouds above, and the mountains below.

"Blue Green"

This is the color of leaves that grow in the cavelike darkness under evergreen canopies.

It's a color that tries too hard, that is never one or another, neither blue, nor green.

It is married to copper, which will someday become so enamored by it's persuasive partner, copper will try to become blue-green.

Day 187

I was supposed to post last night about how it was 6 years out since Sassy had passed.  By the time I'd gone through the photos I have of her, I was a wet mess...and had forgotten why I was going for the photos.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Day 186

Only two of the 7 designs I did today (2 on one client, 3 on another and then this shoulder lotus vine piece.)  My camera wasn't cooperating.  

Day 185

Happy fathers day! (yesterday)

We went for burgers and the best part was that they had chalkboard tables.
Here's Dan and the folks working on the part that somehow Dan managed to destroy on the tractor while he was mowing.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 181

Long day!  Here's one client of the 5 booked today.  I'm beat...I mean absolutely bone tired.  I didn't get to bed until after midnight last night, working on emails and so on, and I got home close to 9pm tonight.  5:15 is Sooooooooooo early every day.  :(

Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 180

Wow!  Today was so wonderful.  In one afternoon I made 2/3 what I'd made all weekend.  And had SUCH a good time doing it.

All of these came from this afternoon.  I'm beat!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 179

There was absolutely nothing good to note about this day except my fabulous hair flower arrangement, and the fact that Laurie and I just always manage to have a good time when we're together, even if there are NO clients and we didn't even make $300 over the whole weekend.  Blargh! 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day 178

Well, this festival was almost worth packing up a day early for, just like the last time I worked for them.  Rain and wind didn't help the equation.  Neither did copious amounts of goose shit.  The hydroplane racing was SO LOUD it made it impossible to speak, and hurt our ears.  There were 4 craft booths not including mine - all the rest were corporate or FOOD...lots and lots of food vendors.  And some of THEM did horribly today too.

But the good things were - I got to spend the whole day with Laurie chatting and having a good time, I got to henna about 7 or 8 people, and there were a couple Bald Eagles hanging out on the edge of the park.

We'll see what tomorrow looks like.  According to the ridiculous organizer, tomorrow's going to be their GOOD day, because there's a CAR SHOW.  (That means absolutely nothing to me.)

I call this Puddles of Goslings

Friday, June 8, 2012

Day 177

Today was full of art!

This was a client...

And another...

And then there was the Queen of Paisleys... :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 176

This was the result of a Artist Trading Card exchange I did with some of the people from the PPD Free henna group on Facebook.  The one on the top right is so layered and full and lushious.  The one directly below it made me stop and say "Oh, WOW."  The use of negative space, thick and thin lines, and strategic color was simply masterful.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 175

Tonight's henna is inspired by the amazingly beautiful event of the Venus Transit. A Flower of Venus surrounded by rose myrtle will help remind me of the wonderful energy happening right now!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 174

Here's today's henna...

...and here's the henna from Saturday that I didn't get a chance to upload earlier.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 173

It was this kind of a day, even though I got a lot of stuff done, it was still this kind of a day.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 172

Day two of busy/little work.  I spiffed up the window sign (holy moly I just noticed the big finger in the frame)

I picked a LOT of oregano, washed, dried and bunched it up to take to work tomorrow

And I hennaed a mother and daughter!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 171

Whoot! I beat the midnight deadline! Today was busy, but also relaxing. I redid the signage on my car, him and one client, played the ukulele with Charlie, and did 5 loads of laundry. Henna photo tomorrow, it's on my camera, not my phone. No pics of Charlie, I was too busy singing and playing! But here's the Toyota...

Day 170

The reason I didn't update last night is because I'm hungover this morning.  :)

It was Diva Night at Makeda - Come dressed as your favorite diva to celebrate Makeda's 4th birthday. I came as myself and brought my henna and hennaed people for 2 hours straight, after enjoying a couple glasses of champagne.  Prash came as me.  I did her hair for her.