I can't help having the feeling today that everything is going away. They've already taken away the Greenwood Market, and at the end of the week they're taking away MY Fred Meyer (anyone who knows the comfort of knowing EXACTLY where everything is in a store knows my pain. I've been going to this store since I can remember, and it was my go-to place when I was a teen, hell, even in my 20's. There's nothing quite like going somewhere that's so familiar, that makes so much sense just because you've been there for so many years. I've gone when I really just needed to relax, not necessarily to buy anything, but just to be surrounded by that which is familiar. Of course, since they tore down my highschool I felt like I needed a replacement...
I went there for the last time today. Just like the greenwood market, it was depressing as hell, all the lanes half full and nothing where it's supposed to be. Was anything I could do to get out of there...
I know in a way I'm projecting my stuffed feelings (Cancer is taking away my daddy) onto this relatively insignificant event, but it's still upsetting. :(
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