If you look at my calendar for today it says "Lisa Belly 2:30pm" That's it. Two days ago Krys called and said "Can you take my 1pm appointment? I think she's bringing friends." And at 12pm today I got a call saying "Can you squeeze in two small hennas today?" And then the Lisa Belly brought four of her friends. All together I hennaed 12 people, one being a 8 1/2 month pregnant (VERY ACTIVE BABY) belly. Then I tore down my PPDeli show, and now Dan and I are going out for Karaoke at SPDEG. Talk about an awesome day!!!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Day 106
No photos today, no drawing, no nothin'. I'm so tired, I came home and slept for a couple hours, now I'm going to sleep until I have to get up and be at work on my usually scheduled day off at 6am.
Tired and sleeping
rain outside gives no comfort
hibernate today
Tired and sleeping
rain outside gives no comfort
hibernate today
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Day 104
This is my extra adorable husband, pretending to be good, showing off his hennaed hands. So nice, so helpful...
...he's flipping off the camera.
...he's flipping off the camera.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Day 103
I just found out that one of the most bright, gregarious, high-energy people that I've ever met has passed away. The man who caused me to laugh so hard as a kid, working with my mom. There are so many stories from my childhood where he's featured. The man who bought me my first CD (Dan Fogelburg - a very new-age album) who swam with sharks (and survived an attack) and taught public school kids how to be safe on their bikes.
Sprocket Man, Sharkbait, El Tiburon, Tom McDonald...Good luck on your journey. Your energy will be missed.
Sprocket Man, Sharkbait, El Tiburon, Tom McDonald...Good luck on your journey. Your energy will be missed.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Day 101
This evening was the free henna party for the art show at the Park Place Deli - I had a bunch of people come in and get hennas - it was a lovely day for it!
These are Dan's hands. :)
And this is my friend Robyn who was in town from Vancouver BC, earlier in the day. I really like this one!
These are Dan's hands. :)
And this is my friend Robyn who was in town from Vancouver BC, earlier in the day. I really like this one!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Day 99
This is what it means to be a henna artist. Besides the hard work at festivals, the fun of creating designs, the excitement of meeting new people, and the overall entertainment value, there's a whole bunch of behind the scenes grunt work.
Krysteen got us some small sample packets of two different hennas to try out - neither of us are happy with Jamila this year, and thought perhaps we could try something different. Although it's long, I'm going to post my very in-detail assessment of these hennas. I enjoyed writing this up. I hope you enjoy reading it...
My assessment of the two hennas:
a) I mixed and applied the hennas at the same time, to do a side by side comparison.
b) I did aproximately the same recipe for both - adjusting as necessary.
Part one: The mixing.
Both hennas were mixed first with just lemon juice to slightly-dryer-then-preferred lumpy consistancy. I didn't sift the yemeni henna (I don't have a sifter). I started off this way because I wanted to be able to smell the henna after the dye release. After release I added about 10 drops of euc to each one, mixed it up and rolled-coned it.
Dye release: Both hennas started their noticable dye release aprox 24 hours after mixing. I let them sit another 12 hours, for a total of 36 hours. By that point, the side-streak effect was plenty strong, and the hennas were sufficiently ready. They both looked to release at aprox the same rate - neither was more or less ready then the other.
Raj: The henna was finely sifted, easy to mix, and acted like I expect henna to act while mixing. It smelled like grassy henna, nothing special. I didn't need to add any more lemon, although I thought it was still a little too dry before adding the terp. After terp it was fine, although at that point it became noticeably more stringy. This is consistent with any other Raj I've worked with before.
Yemen: I knew the powder was full of twigs, but without a sifter I figured I'd go ahead anyway. It was quite a dry mix, because I remembered how wet yours was and I didn't want a repeat of that. I figured I can always add more lemon later, right? After the release, when I took the plastic off the top, there was a PUDDLE of wet on the top of the henna, and mixing it in, the henna almost immediately was too wet. It was like it had sweat over night. The smell was pungent and off, not overwhelming, but not subtle. It didn't have the grassy smell, more like ass. So, assey.
I added the euc and after lots and lots of stirring the consistency of the henna went from wet and assey to butt-mucus. Because I didn't have a sifter, I thought I would strain it through the toe of a stocking. That was one of the most disgusting experiences I've ever had. And I work with body parts, and have changed plenty of diapers. Butt-mucus henna...I almost threw it out. I didn't think I could work with it after that. And the worst part? It somehow didn't get the goddamn micro-twigs out, which I discovered soon after in the...
I had to cut a hole in the Yemen cone the size of fucking Yemen. This after it snotted out a string of mucus for about 6 inches ("Oh," I thought "It will be easy to drape, it's so stringy"), clogged, and then projected a twig-booger across the paper towel. I never got it to string more then 6 millimeters after that first booger. I managed to put a shaky S vine down the top of my foot. I almost threw the cone away after that.
In contrast, the Raj was also very stringy (I mean, wow.) but reasonable to apply. I practically had to twist the tail off the top of all my dots. It makes it hard to work quickly without being sloppy - but straight lines are nice, and points are eeeeasy and fine. I put Rajistani leaves and dots on the Yemeni s-vine.
I then put my foot on a heating pad to keep warm, and for a lark, touched up my left hand fingernail roots with the raj cone. I quickly noticed that the raj turns matte VERY quickly - I mean, surprisingly quickly. So it gives the impression of drying faster then normal (I don't know why it would...)
This concludes the mixing and application part of my assessment. It will be continued tomorrow or possibly the next day with the stain assessment.
(The design, after it had dried, obviously.)
Krysteen got us some small sample packets of two different hennas to try out - neither of us are happy with Jamila this year, and thought perhaps we could try something different. Although it's long, I'm going to post my very in-detail assessment of these hennas. I enjoyed writing this up. I hope you enjoy reading it...
My assessment of the two hennas:
a) I mixed and applied the hennas at the same time, to do a side by side comparison.
b) I did aproximately the same recipe for both - adjusting as necessary.
Part one: The mixing.
Both hennas were mixed first with just lemon juice to slightly-dryer-then-preferred lumpy consistancy. I didn't sift the yemeni henna (I don't have a sifter). I started off this way because I wanted to be able to smell the henna after the dye release. After release I added about 10 drops of euc to each one, mixed it up and rolled-coned it.
Dye release: Both hennas started their noticable dye release aprox 24 hours after mixing. I let them sit another 12 hours, for a total of 36 hours. By that point, the side-streak effect was plenty strong, and the hennas were sufficiently ready. They both looked to release at aprox the same rate - neither was more or less ready then the other.
Raj: The henna was finely sifted, easy to mix, and acted like I expect henna to act while mixing. It smelled like grassy henna, nothing special. I didn't need to add any more lemon, although I thought it was still a little too dry before adding the terp. After terp it was fine, although at that point it became noticeably more stringy. This is consistent with any other Raj I've worked with before.
Yemen: I knew the powder was full of twigs, but without a sifter I figured I'd go ahead anyway. It was quite a dry mix, because I remembered how wet yours was and I didn't want a repeat of that. I figured I can always add more lemon later, right? After the release, when I took the plastic off the top, there was a PUDDLE of wet on the top of the henna, and mixing it in, the henna almost immediately was too wet. It was like it had sweat over night. The smell was pungent and off, not overwhelming, but not subtle. It didn't have the grassy smell, more like ass. So, assey.
I added the euc and after lots and lots of stirring the consistency of the henna went from wet and assey to butt-mucus. Because I didn't have a sifter, I thought I would strain it through the toe of a stocking. That was one of the most disgusting experiences I've ever had. And I work with body parts, and have changed plenty of diapers. Butt-mucus henna...I almost threw it out. I didn't think I could work with it after that. And the worst part? It somehow didn't get the goddamn micro-twigs out, which I discovered soon after in the...
I had to cut a hole in the Yemen cone the size of fucking Yemen. This after it snotted out a string of mucus for about 6 inches ("Oh," I thought "It will be easy to drape, it's so stringy"), clogged, and then projected a twig-booger across the paper towel. I never got it to string more then 6 millimeters after that first booger. I managed to put a shaky S vine down the top of my foot. I almost threw the cone away after that.
In contrast, the Raj was also very stringy (I mean, wow.) but reasonable to apply. I practically had to twist the tail off the top of all my dots. It makes it hard to work quickly without being sloppy - but straight lines are nice, and points are eeeeasy and fine. I put Rajistani leaves and dots on the Yemeni s-vine.
I then put my foot on a heating pad to keep warm, and for a lark, touched up my left hand fingernail roots with the raj cone. I quickly noticed that the raj turns matte VERY quickly - I mean, surprisingly quickly. So it gives the impression of drying faster then normal (I don't know why it would...)
This concludes the mixing and application part of my assessment. It will be continued tomorrow or possibly the next day with the stain assessment.
(The design, after it had dried, obviously.)
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Day 98
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Day 97
I know it's not personal, I know (at least I'm pretty sure) it's not a hex on me, I know that there can be better ways to prevent this happening, but WHO THE HELL books a party with 7-8 people, calls back to confirm a second time, and then DOESN'T SHOW UP, and DOESN'T ANSWER THE PHONE????
I feel absolutely sick to my stomach. I get EXCITED about these things! I WANT to henna people. When I get stood up, it makes me want to cry!!! I'm actually near tears in frustration. I mean who DOES this?
I can do other things while I'm waiting, but I don't start on projects or do things I think will take time or shouldn't be paused because I expect the client to walk in the door any minute. So on top of being stood up, I have unfinished projects staring me in the face saying "ha ha! You haven't accomplished ANYTHING while you've been waiting!"
I'm going to go cry now. Vent my frustrations somehow. Maybe exercise or something, that will make me feel like I'm not a complete failure today.
I feel absolutely sick to my stomach. I get EXCITED about these things! I WANT to henna people. When I get stood up, it makes me want to cry!!! I'm actually near tears in frustration. I mean who DOES this?
I can do other things while I'm waiting, but I don't start on projects or do things I think will take time or shouldn't be paused because I expect the client to walk in the door any minute. So on top of being stood up, I have unfinished projects staring me in the face saying "ha ha! You haven't accomplished ANYTHING while you've been waiting!"
I'm going to go cry now. Vent my frustrations somehow. Maybe exercise or something, that will make me feel like I'm not a complete failure today.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Day 96
This evening Earl and I spent about 20 minutes on the bed playing with a 5 foot length of ribbon. This made me very very happy.
My dad got another set of chimerism results, and the count numbers for his donor cells have gone back up to 56%. This made me very very happy.
I have a 7-8 person party coming to the shop tomorrow. This makes me very very happy.
Gratitude is key
To happiness in all things
Give thanks and be happy
My dad got another set of chimerism results, and the count numbers for his donor cells have gone back up to 56%. This made me very very happy.
I have a 7-8 person party coming to the shop tomorrow. This makes me very very happy.
Gratitude is key
To happiness in all things
Give thanks and be happy
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Day 95
Seen earlier when Dan and I got out of the movie...
Just now, hail so heavy it's like snow, and thunder as loud as I think I've ever heard - it shook the front door!
Just now, hail so heavy it's like snow, and thunder as loud as I think I've ever heard - it shook the front door!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Day 94
I've been super brief the last few days because I forget I'm supposed to post until I'm already in bed and almost asleep. Tonight, I'm actually getting a real post in!
Rosemary and Scott took us out to dinner last night, and then we spent the day with them today. They were up in town for the weekend to celebrate Dan's birthday. Here's the cake Rosemary made for us - gluten free, of course, and really amazing. I just looked at it and there's about 1/5th of it left...I'm sure it's the last I'll see of it - Dan will eat it all.
Eating Cake for breakfast, and frozen custard for lunch makes for a hefty siesta.
But the most awesome part of the weekend was that Rosemary finished the skirt we've been working on (only a few days, when it comes to it) and its so super cute! It's made from the same material I got to make the painting cases last fall. They're also the tablecloths at my shop. And the darts are from material I bought back when I first started working with Krysteen, and I made quilt-square chair cushions for her shop 10 years ago with it. So all said and done, it's a henna shop skirt!
Rosemary and Scott took us out to dinner last night, and then we spent the day with them today. They were up in town for the weekend to celebrate Dan's birthday. Here's the cake Rosemary made for us - gluten free, of course, and really amazing. I just looked at it and there's about 1/5th of it left...I'm sure it's the last I'll see of it - Dan will eat it all.
Eating Cake for breakfast, and frozen custard for lunch makes for a hefty siesta.
But the most awesome part of the weekend was that Rosemary finished the skirt we've been working on (only a few days, when it comes to it) and its so super cute! It's made from the same material I got to make the painting cases last fall. They're also the tablecloths at my shop. And the darts are from material I bought back when I first started working with Krysteen, and I made quilt-square chair cushions for her shop 10 years ago with it. So all said and done, it's a henna shop skirt!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Day 92
Well, Mercury is in full retrograde. I spent most of the afternoon at the shop waiting for a woman who couldn't seem to understand that she needed to tell me where she was and when she was going to arrive! Then, three minutes before she got to my shop, she got rear-ended. So much for that!
Rosemary is in town for the next couple of days, and we had a lovely evening together, as we always do. Scott will come up tomorrow by train, and we will have dinner to celebrate Dan's birthday. Aside from that, nothin much happened today.
Rosemary is in town for the next couple of days, and we had a lovely evening together, as we always do. Scott will come up tomorrow by train, and we will have dinner to celebrate Dan's birthday. Aside from that, nothin much happened today.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Day 89
Holy shit. I forgot to post last night. Well, I made 88 days in before I forgot!
Just the cap to an otherwise do-over worthy day. Shitty SHITTY day at work, followed by a $53 parking ticket, followed by a nap (that part was ok), then worked on my taxes for an hour (not even close to being done) popcorn for dinner and then bedtime. Apparently in all that fabulousness I forgot to post my daily post. Oh well.
Now...on to better things...
Just the cap to an otherwise do-over worthy day. Shitty SHITTY day at work, followed by a $53 parking ticket, followed by a nap (that part was ok), then worked on my taxes for an hour (not even close to being done) popcorn for dinner and then bedtime. Apparently in all that fabulousness I forgot to post my daily post. Oh well.
Now...on to better things...
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Day 88
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Day 87
Friday, March 9, 2012
Day 86
My first-ever attempt at making beef jerky. They are kind of like sticks of beef flavored salt, but the taste is good, once you get past the overpowering salt.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Day 85
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Day 84
I was Suuuuper productive today! From tye dying a couple cotton scarves...
...to starting a new lamp...
...I was doing lots of awesome creative stuff today!
...to starting a new lamp...
...I was doing lots of awesome creative stuff today!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Day 81
At the show this weekend I had my hair done by a sales girl, and was so impressed with it at the end of the day I bought a flat iron. Now, why a flat iron, you say, when my hair is naturally so frickin' straight and doesn't keep a curl? That's so hard to curl that it takes two applications to get a perm to stick? THIS is why:
Here's my hair right after I curled it with the flat iron of magicallness.
Here it is mid day after being brushed out, thrown up in a ponytail several times.
And here it is tonight, 15 hours after I curled it this morning. Please note - there is NO product in my hair, nothin' but the iron.
Yup, best money I've ever spent on a beauty product. That, and curling my whole dang head took me 17 minutes this morning, so it wasn't even like it was a huge imposition on my 5am wakeup!
Here's my hair right after I curled it with the flat iron of magicallness.
Here it is mid day after being brushed out, thrown up in a ponytail several times.
And here it is tonight, 15 hours after I curled it this morning. Please note - there is NO product in my hair, nothin' but the iron.
Yup, best money I've ever spent on a beauty product. That, and curling my whole dang head took me 17 minutes this morning, so it wasn't even like it was a huge imposition on my 5am wakeup!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Day 79
Today was the first day of the NW Womens show. Krysteen and I originally had a half-size booth, but she got them to move us to a full corner!
It was very interesting, the fact that this is the first event that Krys and I have done together since I quit working for her 10 years ago. We obviously enjoy each other as friends, we respect each other as business women, and work well enough together to share a shop space, but she's got her events, I have mine and there's never been an opportunity to share before today. At some point in the morning, we had a bunch of people lined up, Krys was working the crowd, I was slinging henna and I had a BIG sense of nostalgia. It was just like old times. And then, a few moments later Krys came over and said "Nothing's changed, has it. Here I am, telling you you have 4 people in line you better speed it up." I dished back something sassy and we both cracked up (especially when seeing the woman in the chair's face).
Then, the next to last henna of the night I did a big solid color unicorn and Krys was sitting next to me watching. She suddenly said "Your fill is so beautiful...it's so flat and straight and nice." Out of the blue. I swelled up and said "well it's because for the first year of doing henna it was thick and holey and you ragged on me enough that I worked hard to fix it. So thanks!" Getting praise like that from someone you respect is so wonderful!
So all together, a nice day!
It was very interesting, the fact that this is the first event that Krys and I have done together since I quit working for her 10 years ago. We obviously enjoy each other as friends, we respect each other as business women, and work well enough together to share a shop space, but she's got her events, I have mine and there's never been an opportunity to share before today. At some point in the morning, we had a bunch of people lined up, Krys was working the crowd, I was slinging henna and I had a BIG sense of nostalgia. It was just like old times. And then, a few moments later Krys came over and said "Nothing's changed, has it. Here I am, telling you you have 4 people in line you better speed it up." I dished back something sassy and we both cracked up (especially when seeing the woman in the chair's face).
Then, the next to last henna of the night I did a big solid color unicorn and Krys was sitting next to me watching. She suddenly said "Your fill is so beautiful...it's so flat and straight and nice." Out of the blue. I swelled up and said "well it's because for the first year of doing henna it was thick and holey and you ragged on me enough that I worked hard to fix it. So thanks!" Getting praise like that from someone you respect is so wonderful!
So all together, a nice day!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Day 78
Today I hung my show at the Park Place Deli. The guy behind the counter was REALLY enthusiastic about my work, and I got critique from Art Messer!!! THIS Art Messer!

Day 77
Whats on my hand tonight. (Note - this one was posted on Wednesday, but I just discovered that it didn't "publish" from my phone. Honest!)
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